
Компании, членове на Български дарителски форум

Paysafe Limited (“Paysafe”) (NYSE:PSFE) (PSFE.WS) е водеща специализирана платформа за разплащания. Основната цел на компанията е търговци и потребители да се свързват и осъществяват трансакции безпроблемно, благодарение на водещи за индустрията продукти в сферата на обработването на плащания, дигитални портфейли и онлайн кешови услуги. С над 20 години опит в областта на дигиталните разплащания, годишен обем на трансакциите от над 120 милиарда долара през 2021 г. и приблизително 3 500 служители в 10+ световни локации, Paysafe свързва търговци и потребители чрез 100 платежни метода в повече от 40 валути.

Най-големият офис на Paysafe в света е в София с над 1400 служители, работещи в различни направления – продуктови и софтуерни разработки, обслужване на клиенти, риск мениджмънт, счетоводство и контрол, ИТ обслужване и други.

Paysafe (NYSE:PSFE) (PSFE.WS) is a leading payments platform. Its core purpose is to enable businesses and consumers to connect and transact seamlessly through industry-leading capabilities in payment processing, digital wallet, and online cash solutions. With over 20 years of online payment experience, an annualized transactional volume of US $120 billion in 2021, and approximately 3,500 employees located in 10+ global locations, Paysafe connects businesses and consumers across 100 payment types in over 40 currencies around the world. Delivered through an integrated platform, Paysafe solutions are geared toward mobile-initiated transactions, real-time analytics and the convergence between brick-and-mortar and online payments. Further information is available at

Paysafe’s largest office in the world is in Sofia with over 1,400 employees working in various areas – product and software development, customer service, risk management, accounting and control, IT service and others.

We’re extremely proud of our global footprint and we strive to be a leading employer in each of our 12 plus global locations. Key to that effort is providing a platform for local engagement for our individual team members and Paysafe as a whole.

From corporate donations to fundraising activities and volunteer days, we focus on celebrating our local cultures and empowering our team members to give back in ways that are meaningful to them.

In 2020 we shared a global commitment to support future generations and supporting education, social mobility, and healthy living for children and young adults. Funds thus far have supported over fifty non-profit organizations worldwide including: No Kid Hungry, BCause Foundation, Food Banks Canada, and The Felix Project and those efforts continue to build. In Bulgaria, we’re proud partners of initiatives such as Ready for success, Supporting Elderly people in North West Bulgaria, Race for the cure and many more.